Easter, a Period of Reflection

Eucharia Oti

A period of reflection is a time of deep thought or meditation over a subject, situation, events etc. It has to do with self appraisal on ones actions and behaviours with respect to business, activities and other issues of life.

Reflection is very important in ones life because, it helps to call back ones attention to oversights, exuberant acts and some human mistakes. Ordinarily, reflection should be a regular exercise in order to keep one on the right track of life issues.

There has been questions/arguments on the most important season in the Christian calendar. The answer still remains that all seasons in Christian calendar are very important. The difference is their peculiarities. The season starts with the advent, which is the coming of our Lord, Jesus Christ. His coming marks the beginning of the salvation of man because, it gave us hope to look up to. Also, if He had not come, there wouldn’t have been death on the cross for the salvation of man. On another hand, if He had come and not made the cross sacrifice, His coming would have also been useless.

Though the degree of celebration attached to these important season in our lives seem to create an impression that one is more important than the other, it is to the contrary.

Though Christmas attracts elaborate celebrations and fanfare maybe because, it is tailored towards the end of the year; This also, has its disadvantages and lapses because, many people are carried away by the euphoria of the celebrations; that they seem to forget the reason for the season.

Unlike the fanfare associated with Christmas, Easter presents a more sober and reflective mood. One of those perfect periods in life to reflect over ones life, and activities is Easter period, the journey of forty days and forty nights, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter Sunday.

As earlier stated, the first thirty nine days gives us the ample chance to reflect on our life issues, actions and behaviors. A total self appraisal which asks questions like: How have I been relating to people around me. What has been my role in my community? In my work place and business area, how do colleagues see me?

As a wife and mother, have I been diligent with my responsibilities? Have I been faithful to my husband? As a husband and father, have I faired well? Have I been a faithful husband ? Are my wife and children proud of me? ln my residential area, how does my neighbors see me? Even in the church, what do members say about me? Have I been worshiping God in truth and in spirit?

What general testimonies can people give concerning me as a priest, evangelist, church worker, mother, father, brother, sister, neighbor, colleague etc, whether alive or dead?

This is very necessary because, many people tend to live this life, as if there is no tomorrow. It is necessary for us to understand that our tomorrow have multiple role it plays in ones life. Multiple roles in line with repercussion. It either comes to you, or your children here on earth, or mar your eternity.

An Anglican hymn says- Nani olu anyi k’ aga eji cheta anyi- “we shall be remembered by our works”. It is said that the family is the bedrock of the society. This is because, it is the little fragments of the family that make up the society. The little ‘drops’ of ill trained children from the families; pushed into the society become delinquents and constitute nuisance in the society, therefore making the society to grow worse by the day.

It is a well acknowledged fact that parents do not have time for their children anymore. The quest for material gains and general economic downturn has gradually transferred the role of parents to househelps. This calls for reflection, so that the future of our children will be secured.

As a leader cum public servant, how have you been carrying out the duties of the office you swore to? It has almost become a norm today, that public servants in the government and communities see no wrong in converting public funds to personal use. To some who find joy in causing confusion and destabilizing peace in their environment, how long will this go on?

Talking about Easter, as a church leader, how have you been carrying out your responsibility as a leader? It is a shame to note that contemporary Church leaders use their positions to promote immorality in the house of God. Coveting Church funds is no longer seen as sin. Vices are directly and indirectly approved by men and women, who are supposed to be custodians of God’s people on earth. People do things with impunity without minding whose horse is gored. May God help us.

Let every sincere Christian, use this special season to honestly and sincerely conduct a self appraisal. Carry out a self conviction; and humbly ask God for forgiveness and cleansing wherever we have gotten it wrong. Also, ask for forgiveness from whoever you know you have offended, both outside and in the family. I assure you, it is a spiritual and physical healing therapy you cannot find in any shelf in the world.

Why not give it a try and see our awesome God in action.

May the blessings of Easter grace our lives and homes in Jesus’ Name… Amen ! HAPPY EASTER !

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