Aro News Online

Azubike Okoro, Ph.D

Azubike Okoro

Azubike Okoro, Ph.D, public servant and publisher turned 54 on February 22. A native of Amuvi Village, Ikemba Aro attended Corpus Christi College, Achi; University of Nigeria, Nsukka; University of Lagos and bagged a Ph.D from the Argosy University, Chicago, USA. He was Admin. Officer, National Political Bureau and later Writer/ Admin Manager, The Nigeria Economist Magazine. He is at present, Deputy Director, Human Resources, Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation (NDIC). He is the founder and pioneer Editor-in-Chief of Aro News, Editor-in-Chief, aronewsonline and Editorial board Chairman, Aro News. His published works include Perspectives on Aro History and Civilization Vols. 1, 2 and 3. He is married to Stella and blessed with children.

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