Truth  As A Pun – The Aro Example 

Eucharia Oti

Merry Christmas to the good people of Aro Kingdom. We return all gratitude to God Almighty, for the privilege to celebrate another Christmas.  

I do not know how many people in Aro, who have observed that recently in our Kingdom, the word ‘Truth’, has suddenly became a star word, or do I say, “a celebrity word “.  Yes, a “celebrity word”. Truth has become so famous and celebrated in Aro, that everyone is associating themselves with it. How? I have personally observed that everyone in Aro recently has become a truth “sayer”. In all Aro Platforms, every post, comments, reactions, and small groups addressing burning issues in Aro claims to be authentic. When you listen to people from different camps, address the same issue from different perspectives; each camp claims to be saying the truth. 

People even go the extra mile, calling individuals, trying to convince them to believe in their own truth about issues at stake. Some, in their bid to spice the lies into truth, end up serving themselves with meals of contradictions. Everyone claims to be saying the truth yet, small issues grow into big issues unresolved. 

This very “impressive” development prompted me to venture into a kind of search, to understand what ‘truth’ truly represents.

For a better understanding of the word Truth, I first consulted the Online Oxfords Dictionary, which defines Truth  as, “that which is true, or in accordance with fact, reality, accurate, or exact “. From my small understanding of this definition, fact, means, when I see water, and call it water, not liquid. While in reality, I should be accurate, and exact enough to distinguish between the role of clean water, from that of dirty water; and not say; “ water no get enemy”, or, water serve the same purpose. 

In my quest to find out more, I took a step further to draw from wise quotes on Truth, by some wise legends of old. Some of them I decided to share here are: The first came from the Holy Book. 

1. “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” – Jesus (John 8:38)

2.  “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pant” – Winston Churchill 

3. “Three things that cannot be long hidden: sun, the moon, and the truth” – Buddha 

4. “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self evident” – Arthur Schopenhauer 

5.  “We swallow greedily any lie that flatters us, but we sip only little by little at a truth we find bitter” – Denis Diderot

Having heard from the wise Legends, what I do not understand is whether these sayings matter in this dispensation again; where both the analogues, and the digitals, are all lost in the ocean of self. In this digital age, where information flow freely through numerous channels; the question of truth becomes more, and more intricate. Misinformation,  fake news, and blurr lines between facts and opinions, objectivity, and subjectivity becomes a huge challenge to discern between truth and falsehood. The fear here is that, the misinformation birthed by social media literacy, is already having societal consequences in our Kingdom. 

It is pertinent to note that , before the advent of the social media, truth was one of the major tools that was used in the training of children. In fact, truth is, or was a virtue. From my own experience, I may not know about others; our mother of the blessed memory, only needed to look you straight in the eyes, I mean, eyeball, to eyeball, and you will tell her the truth. She told us that anyone who tell lies, has the tendency of becoming a thief. Any child that lies to his/her parents then, should be ready for the consequences. Depending on the degree of the lie you told, it is either some strokes of cain, or, with additional no meal. By the time you go to bed on empty stomach, with flushing pains on your back, buttocks, and hands, next time , eziokwu apuo gi n’onu ngwa ngwa. It was as simple as that. 

Regrettably today, it is a crying shame to see people, who were privileged to receive such premium training, fostering, and championing lies in the Community. It pains to see elders, training, and grooming pathological liars, and they are very proud of it. Sometimes when you confront them, Some will tell you it is diplomacy. You don’t have to say it the way it is, though we know. For such people, lies is the synonym of diplomacy. Yet, inside their homes, they expect their children, and grandchildren to tell them the truth. What I do not know is, how many of them, that foster, and champion lies in the community have children that speak the truth to them. 

Some also see it as a means of solidarity. Yes, some families may not be the best of relations, but when it comes to lying, to fight a common enemy; they become a strong force. What they do not realize is that, their children are watching. The Aro proverb which says, “Nwa nna ya ziri nzi na eji okpa agbawa uzo” suggests that, any information from one’s father is true, and authentic. This infers that, fathers do not pass wrong information to their children. When one says, “ my father told me”, it simply means that, he is sure his father told him all the truth he needed to know about that matter. Fathers are  not expected to tell their children lies. 

But unfortunately today, some fathers consciously have passed wicked, and wrong information to their children. They make their children go to fight for lands, and rights that do not belong to them, with their full chest. They are ready to swear to any oath because, they believe their father cannot lie to them.

The solidarity group do not ever think of the future consequences of consciously supporting evil. My mother of the blessed memory told us that, “ if you support wrong being done to an innocent person, if you don’t get the reward, your children, or grandchildren will surely get it. It is inescapable “. The Bible also confirms that. So, what would one benefit by nailing the future of his generation on the alter of destruction, because of irrelevant, relevant?

When we were growing up, we thought only children tell lies, to escape punishment, which was inescapable anyway. Lies of any kind were not associated with elders; unless the few bad ones, who are also known in the community, and from evidences, their generation usually have hiccups. 

Regrettably, from what is going on in Aro today, Truth has become a pun. Just a play of words. They know the right thing, but they consciously, and deliberately choose to play ping pong with it. By the time people come to the understanding that, suppressed truth in a Community can lead to lack of trust, and misinformation, they better any community can be, including Aro Kingdom. This is because, suppressed truth hinders right decision-making, and foster an environment where crucial issues are swept under the carpet; thereby, causing long-term harm. It is therefore necessary, that open communication and transparency which are crucial for a healthy and thriving community, should be advocated by all. 

This is necessary because a liar is a bond man/woman. Capri Product says, “if you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.” It is only the truth that guarantees one’s physical, Spiritual, and emotional freedom, as the Bible says. Let me dare ask,  knowing that truth like sun, moon, and pregnancy cannot be hidden for long, why embark on such pre aborted journey?

The earlier we understand, that the pursuit of truth is the willingness to confront uncomfortable realities; the better persons we will become, and the better Community we will build. 

Happy Christmas & A Prosperous New Year!

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Emmanuel Amugo Orji

Emmanuel Chima Orji

Retired public servant and author clocked 89 on the 9th of November. A native of Aro –Orji, Ugwu Aro attended St Patrick College, Ikot Ansa, ...